Koinonia (koy-nohn-eé-ah) is a transliterated form of the Greek word, κοινωνία, which means communion, joint participation; the share which one has in anything, participation, a gift jointly contributed, a collection, a contribution, etc. It identifies the idealized state of fellowship and unity that should exist within the Christian church. Displayed by the church of Acts.
Koinonia School of Discipleship
Is a six to eight month non-denominational in house school, that offers an opportunity for those that wish to grow in solid depth with the Lord and to help them to discover their individual calling in life. To help them seek out individual spiritual gifts and talents. Teach how to become proactive in their personal calling and to help them find placement in ministry.
Our goal is not to indoctrinate, but rather help in the development of individual depth, growth toward the calling on ones life, and ones relationship with Christ.
We want this School to be a service and assistance to our sister churches, a place to send the new and hungry believer to become a disciple of Christ, that is on fire with direction and discipline. Then send that disciple back to their home church or out into the world with a fire that cannot be quenched.
We provide furnished room, board, books, laundry area, counseling / support system, Christian education, direction and guidance, great atmosphere to grow in and a family. This facility has become home to many.
Discipleship means ‘’discipline’’ Without discipline we can not be a disciple of Christ. Luke 9:23 “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me." We are here to teach discipline as a lifestyle in order to help one to become a very alert and strong warrior for Christ.
If this is something you feel led to do and are up for the challenge of a lifetime that will transform your life as you know it, look at the requirements on the top right, fill out the application and contact us.
I look forward to serving with you on this amazing journey…<><
Pastor John H. Hankins